Motivational Monday



I have a big dream that I am currently building wings for. Thankfully it's a dream that I am building with a dear friend but I am not going to lie, it's still scary. Anytime you go out of your comfort zone you know it's going to be a challenge but the end result will be well worth it.

That's where faith comes in. I didn't just decide to follow this dream on a whim. I prayed about it, A LOT. Was this a new door God was opening for me? Is this His plan for my future? How can I possibly do this? After a couple weeks of seeking God and praying morning noon and night I felt such an overwhelming peace and I knew I had my answer. 

While having the peace to know this was the right direction was great, I still have to travel this path. So this quote is very fitting for me and I know I am going to learn a lot on this journey. It's not going to be easy but anything worth doing wouldn't be easy right? It's going to be scary at times and require a lot of hard work but more importantly my faith needs to be bigger than my fears. 

Hope you had a great Monday!

XoXo Mia


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